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KL series web offset

This series of heatset ink are made with new developed high density resin technology to protecting over emulsification keeping printing ink work well on the press, reducing leading time and paper waster, save cost.
This series of products designed for most popular web press with heating and cooling channel system, quitesuitable for printing magazine and advertisement fleet and journaletc.
The products made with soy bean oil without any aromatic solvent, passed the certification committee for Environmental labelling products.
Excellent dry property: quick dry on the temperature range from 120-180℃ from 6-12meters of heating channel with high speed pass at the 8m/s

● 高着色浓度颜料制作,密度值较普通型高10%
● 网点还原性能好,网点扩大率小于15%,印刷品层次感强
● 适用底材:铜版纸、轻涂纸
● 适于在3-3.5万转每小时高速印刷
● DACTET测试水墨平衡,保障宽水幅,开机后短时间即可进入正常印刷
● 适用底材:双胶纸、轻涂纸
● 传递转移性能优越,无飞墨、溅墨、乳化等印刷故障
● 着重干燥性能测试,在低温120℃条件下正常干燥
● 适应高速印刷的印刷条件,保持应有的浓度稳定性
● 适用底材:双胶纸、超压纸